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No pressure to resign, have absolute independence: PG Shameem

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem speaks to Nazim Hassan from Mihaaru. This is a translation of an excerpt from the interview.

12 February 2024, MVT 11:35
Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
12 February 2024, MVT 11:35

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has said that he has faced no pressure to resign even with the change in government, and affirms that he has complete independence and autonomy to continue fulfilling the responsibilities of his role.

Shameem dismissed rumours that arose following the recent attack on him that it was related to pressures on him to resign.

Although the police have announced that two individuals have been arrested in relation to the attack, no details have been released so far regarding motive or intentions behind the attack.

PG Hussain Shameem speaks to Mihaaru.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

In an interview with Mihaaru on Sunday, Shameem said that receiving threats is a common occurrence in his position, and that the attack had not followed any particular threat or warning. He also claimed that he had not faced any pressures to resign or step aside from his duties.

"I have not been ordered to resign by either the government, the parliament, political parties or the judiciary. There has not even been a mention of anything like that. No such discussions have been had with me either directly or indirectly," Shameem entirely dismissed such rumours.

Shameem affirmed that he has complete autonomy in carrying out his duties and responsibilities. He said that he has worked with all governments in this field, saying that in his experience, none of the governments have acted in a manner that would affect the independence of the Prosecutor General.

PG Shameem, inside the office.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Shameem's term as PG is due to end in December this year. Asked if he intended to run for an additional term, Shameem responded that he had not reached a decision on the matter as of yet.

"My hope is that even in my absence, with someone else from this office in this position, things will run smoothly within this established system, and work accordingly. I will support and promote bringing someone from within the ranks of this office to the position of PG," Shameem said.

Shameem said that he had made a very inspiriting observation following his attack: that he has set up a successful system within which the work of the Prosecutor General's Office will proceed without interruption or setbacks even in his absence.

"This is something we have strived for. This is a system, this is a machine. This machine will run regardless of who is at the helm," Shameem said.

"Even though I had to be in hospital, this office ran very well. No work came to a halt, even the morning briefings were held, those who were scheduled to attend court did that, what had to be submitted to court was submitted as due. No setbacks came to the work of this office even in my absence," Shameem said.

PG Shameem, with some of his team.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Shameem said that it is a significant success that the necessary resources and systems for work have been set in place at the PG Office.

"This is something we have strived for. This is a system, this is a machine. This machine will run regardless of who is at the helm," Shameem said.

"I believe that that is how State institutions must be run. It must depend on the system, not the individual."

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