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Union management guidelines released, participation open for ages above 16 years

Guidelines for managing trade unions has been disclosed last night, which state that memberships into unions are only allowed for those aged 16 and older although underage members are prohibited from becoming union officers.

Aishath Shuba Solih
03 July 2024, MVT 16:47
Participants who joined the gathering held to commemorate International Workers' Day. -- Source: Social platform X (Zimna)
Aishath Shuba Solih
03 July 2024, MVT 16:47

Guidelines for managing trade unions has been disclosed after establishing that participation within a union is allowed solely for those aged above 16 years of age.

Registration for trade unions has now been opened in compliance with the Industrial Relations Act ratified earlier in January. This act provides for the formation of trade unions and the right to participate in or abstain from their activities. Guidelines for registration were announced last night, and execution began shortly thereafter.

Applications for registering a trade union can only be submitted with the signatures of at least seven persons. The guidelines stipulate that this must include at least three general members of an employer's union. Complete documents must be approved within 30 days of request submission.

Union memberships are open to those above the age of 16. The guidelines further outline that those between the ages of 16 to 18 years are allowed union membership with parental consent, in compliance with the Employment Act. However, union members under 18 years of age cannot become union officers.

Additionally, individuals who enter the country through work permits cannot join unions outside of those centered around the field of work specified in their permits.

Registrations are also permitted for membership in two unions of the same category registered with the Ministry, as well as in a collective union comprising over two unions.

Following the merge, the new union is responsible for addressing any allegations raised against the merged unions, transferring property and debt of the merged unions to the newly established union, and re-registering members of the merged unions to the new union.

Following the merge, the unions also lose their legal rights as separate unions.

A federation of five or more unions registered at the Ministry can also be formed and registered to work as a collective group.

Meanwhile, a strike or any industrial action that may affect union members can only proceed after a secret poll held among union members.

The employer must be provided with details of the planned strike or action against the industry 48 hours before it is carried out.

If an industrial action or strike takes place, comprehensive details of the event and its progress must be delivered to the Director General

Registrations into unions further require a fee of MVR 5,000 while MVR 10,000 is required to register an employee or employer federation.

Overview of important points

1. In compliance with the Employment Act, those 16 to 18 years are only allowed registration under a union with the consent of a parent

2. Individuals under 18 years of age cannot become union officers

3. Requests to join two registered unions of the same category and a collective union comprising more than two unions can be submitted

4. A fee of MVR 5,000 must be paid to join a union

5. Registration of an employee or employer federation requires a fee of MVR 10,000

6. A strike or any industrial action that may affect union members can only proceed after a secret poll held among union members. Employers must be notified about the strike 48 hours before it occurs

In compliance with the Industrial Relations Act, Shani Mohamed was appointed as the Registrar of Unions for a five-year term starting on May 5. The registrar is tasked with managing and maintaining registrations of employee and employer trade unions, enforcing legal and regulatory measures against unions that breach laws and regulations, and fulfilling all other responsibilities imposed on the registrar by this law.

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