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Polling queues closed

Voting in the Parliamentary Elections 2024 to elect MPs for the 20th People's Majlis continue across the islands of Maldives and polling stations abroad.

Mariyath Mohamed
21 April 2024, MVT 11:54
A "queue closed" sign is placed -- Photo: Nishaan ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
21 April 2024, MVT 11:54

18:09 - 81 percent of eligible voters turned out to vote in the parliamentary election 2024.

18:09 - According to the Elections Commission about 200 polling stations have not been closed yet as people were lined in the queue by 17:30. A total of 602 ballot boxes were set up for this election.

18:05 - Elections Commission: As of 17:00 hrs, 72 percent of the eligible voters had cast their ballots.

17:39 - The Election Commission will begin counting votes at 18:00 hrs.

Polling queues closed by the end of voting hour: Only those queued up before 17:30 hrs will be able to cast their votes now -- Photo: Nishan Ali

17:22 - Elections Commission has announced that polling queues will close at sharp 17:30 hrs regardless of whether there were delays or intermissions during vote hours.

17:00 - The voter turnout during the last parliamentary elections, held in 2019, was at 76.27 percent.

16:49 - The most recent announcement by Elections Commission shows that as of 16:00 hrs, 63.73 percent have turned up to vote. This amounts to 181,406 individuals, of which 88,230 are women and 93,176 are men.

With less than an hour left before the voting window closes, 36.27 percent remain yet to cast their votes.

16:20 -

Majlis Election 2024.-- Photo: fayaz moosa / mihaaru

16:03 - By 15:00 hrs today, 56.26 percent people have cast their votes. This is 160,158 persons out of the total number of eligible voters, including 77,227 women and 82,931 men.:

15:52 - Former President Abdulla Yameen has voted.16:03 - By 15:00 hrs today, 56.26 percent people have cast their votes. This is 160,158 persons out of the total number of eligible voters, including 77,227 women and 82,931 men.


15:29 - As of 14:00 hrs, 52.31 percent people have voted, amounting to 148,894 individuals. Of this, 70,896 of these are women, and 77,998 are men.

15:23 - Police has brough three persons into custody so far in their Election Security Operations. One of these individuals was arrested for displaying their ballot paper, which is a legal offence. Two others were arrested from Gaafu Dhaalu Fiyoari for disturbing the peace at voting centers.

14:52 -

14:35 - HRCM posted on social media that space constraints in some voting centers as well as the arrangements made present a risk of losing vote confidentiality. They, however, maintain that overall the voting is proceeding smoothly.

13:59 - Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef casts his vote.

Majilis Election 2024, Vice President , Hussain Mohamed Latheef - Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru

13:56 - Zain Abdulla Yameen, Interim President of People's National Front (PNF) and son of former President Abdulla Yameen, casts his vote.

Majlis Election 2024-- Photo: fayaz moosa / mihaaru

13:54 - Elections Commission states that a total of 113,627 persons (39.92 percent) have exercised their right to vote by 13:00 hrs. This includes 51,976 women (18.26 percent) and 61,651 men (21.66 percent).

13:49 -

Majlis Election 2024.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru

13:45 -

Majilis Election 2024: Observers at work at a polling station.-- Photo: Nishaan Ali / Mihaaru

13:30 - Human Rights Commission of the Maldives: Voting arrangements are good. Voting commenced at 8 am at most voting stations (77 percent) according to EC's schedule. It was slightly delayed in a few stations due to officials being late in completing preparations. No major issues have been identified so far, voting is proceeding peacefully.

13:17 - Transparency Maldives have published their key findings regarding the opening of polls today.

13:07 - Elections Commission Member Hassan Zakariya has said that nearly 100,000 people have cast their votes till now, and no major issues have arisen. He confirmed that voting is proceeding smoothly at all voting centers. EC maintains that the voter turnout rate is also positive.

13:01 - Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has cast his vote.0

12:48 - Elections Commission has announced that as per 12:00 hrs, a total of 93,224 persons (32.75 percent) have voted, including 41,980 women (14.75 percent) and 51,244 women (18 percent). With about four and a half hours left in the voting window, more than 50 percent of the eligible voters are yet to vote.

12:43 -

Majlis Election 2024.-- Photo: Fayaz moosa / mihaaru

12:30 - Former President and Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed has voted. He urged the public to cast their vote and participate in the election for one of the states most important governing bodies.

12:25 - Former Vice President Faisal Naseem casts his vote.

Majlis Election 2024: Vice President faisal naseem voting-- photo: Fayaz moosa / mihaaru

12:15 -

11:55 -

By 11:00 hrs, a total of 70,949 persons have voted. This includes 29,762 women and 41,187 me. This makes up 24.92 percent of the total number of eligible voters.

11:49 -

Majlis Election 2024.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru

A total of 368 candidates are contesting in this election in 93 constituencies. 130 of these candidates are contesting as independents.

Parliamentarians elected today will be taking their oath of office in May forming the 20th People's Majlis.

The total number of eligible voters for this election is 284,663: including 145,302 men and 139,661 women.

Although Elections Commission has said there will be no extensions to the voting hours, he confirmed that those who line up in the queues ahead of the 17:30 hrs deadline will be allowed to vote.

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