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Festival celebration in Dhaandhoo goes awry, two with burns

Mohamed Rehan
09 July 2022, MVT 11:29
GA. Dhaandhoo--
Mohamed Rehan
09 July 2022, MVT 11:29

Two local youths from Gaaf Alif Dhaandhoo received various degrees of burns on them amid pre-Eid celebrations on Friday evening, July 8.

Dhaandhoo council president Mohamed Asif has corroborated the incident confirming that two local youths who were attempting to torch a celebratory monument ahead of the following day's Eid al-Adha festivities.

Asif further confirmed that the burn victims were immediately transferred to the island's health center where they were given prompt medical attention.

One out of the two burn victims had already been discharged as he had not carried intense blisters from the torching.

The other, as per Asif, had received multiple burns which included severe blisters on the victim's shoulder, leg among other parts on the skin.

The torching event is a traditional pre-Eid festivity from Dhaandhoo's culture.

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