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Special institution for Zakat 'Maldives Zakat House' to be established

Malika Shahid
11 December 2023, MVT 12:46
Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed attends the first Cabinet meeting of the current government at the President's Office -- Photo: President's Office
Malika Shahid
11 December 2023, MVT 12:46

The Cabinet has decided to establish a special institution called 'Maldives Zakat House' for matters related to zakat.

Speaking at a press conference held at the President's Office on Monday, Mohamed Firzul, Under Secretary of Public Policy at the President's Office, stated that zakat-related activities are currently organized under a special department of the Islamic Ministry. With this decision, the department will be established as a separate body, he said.

Under Secretary for Public Policy Mohamed Firzul speaks at a press conference held at the President's Office -- Photo: President's Office

The purpose of establishing a separate institution for zakat is to enhance the amount of zakat currently being contributed by various individuals and to expand the scope of work carried out through zakat, he said.

"Through these efforts, we can increase the amount of zakat obtained and, at the same time, transform the person who is currently a recipient of zakat into someone who will contribute zakat tomorrow," said Firzul.

He added that the institution will also make special efforts to increase the current amount of zakat fund.

Firzul stated that the agency will raise awareness among the people and also increase the number of zakat contributors to ensure that the benefits reach those who deserve it.

The zakat proceeds are currently being utilized without much systemic considerations or policies, he said, adding that the establishment of this institution would also address this issue.

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