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Minister Shafeeu appointed as Ameer-ul-Hajj this year

Minister of Education Dr Ismail Shafeeu has been appointed at the Ameer-ul-Hajj [leader of the Hajj pilgrims] from Maldives for this year.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 June 2024, MVT 07:46
Dr. Ismail Shafeeu / Education Minister
Mariyath Mohamed
11 June 2024, MVT 07:46

Minister of Education Dr Ismail Shafeeu has been appointed at the Ameer-ul-Hajj [leader of the Hajj pilgrims] from Maldives for this year.

The Minister left to Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage yesterday on an afternoon flight with the last batch of Maldivian pilgrims, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs said.

Before his departure, Shafeeu commended the collaborative work of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and the Hajj Corporation in the arrangement of Hajj trips for pilgrims.

The Minister noted that this year sees a record number of pilgrims in comparison with recent years, and assured that all pilgrims are in good health.

He expressed gratitude to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu for appointing him as Ameer-ul-Hajj this year, as this is a position always appointed by the President.

The first batch of Hajj pilgrims from Maldives this year had 298 individuals who had left on May 31. The second batch, with 353 persons, had travelled on June 3. The third batch, with 339 persons, had left last Friday.

Pilgrims who left yesterday number 150 in total and are under additional Hajj slots received by the Maldives, Minister of Islamic Affairs said.