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MVR 700 million spent on higher education

As of August, the ministry provided financial assistance to 13,866 students undertaking various programs, including first degrees, scholarships, and through student loans.

Malika Shahid
01 October 2024, MVT 14:19
Umar Zahir Building; the government office complex where the Ministry of Higher Education operates from -- Photo: President's Office
Malika Shahid
01 October 2024, MVT 14:19

Ministry of Higher Education has spent nearly MVR 700 million on higher education.

As of August, the ministry provided financial assistance to 13,866 students undertaking various programs, including first degrees, scholarships, and through student loans. The total expenditure on these schemes is MVR 689,663,352, the ministry said.

Most of the beneficiaries are undergraduate students studying in the Maldives.

Earlier this year, the ministry reported that more than MVR 115 million had been spent on over 11,000 students undertaking degree programmes.

The ministry is also working to expand higher education opportunities for Maldivians.

These initiatives include engaging with embassies and university officials from Japan, Turkey, Malaysia, China, and the UK to sign agreements on exchange programs and scholarships.

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