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Villa College and School turn 17 years, Qasim proud of work

MP Qasim Ibrahim celebrated his Villa International High School and Villa College's success in the past 17 years.

Ameera Osmanagic
18 October 2024, MVT 09:34
[File] Qasim Ibrhaim speaking a previous Villa College graduation ceremony -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
18 October 2024, MVT 09:34

On the occasion of Villa College and Villa International School celebrating 17 years of service, MP Qasim Ibrahim, the Chairman of both institutions said he is proud of the work done to educate and build Maldives.

In a post he published on X (formerly Twitter) on the occasion, Qasim said that he hopes to have provided good higher education opportunities for local youth through his efforts to provide comprehensive opportunities for modern higher education in Maldives.

Qasim said that Villa College now offers A level and certificate level programmes as well as diploma, bachelor's degree and masters degree courses to the highest standards recognized by world renowned universities and the Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA).

Thousands of students have obtained their education from the institution, and are now living brighter lives, he also said.

"... As a result, I am very pleased and equally proud to note that Villa College and Villa International High School have played a relatively comprehensive role in building the country through the spread of knowledge and brightening the country's future," Qasim said, offering greetings of the occasion to the students of both institutions.

He also recognised the hard work of Rector Dr Ahmed Anwar in managing Villa College from day one itself, and thanked Anwar and the Vice Rectors, deans, lecturers, and administrative staff for their services.