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The fee charged by Maldivian Airlines for carriage of surf boards has been reduced

As per the president's vow to reduce the price of surf board carriage through Maldivian, the airline has announced their fee reductions on social platform X Sunday evening.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 February 2024, MVT 13:32
Surfers setting off into the waves with the surf boards
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 February 2024, MVT 13:32

Maldivian Airlines has decreased the prices of surf bag carriage categories, true to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s vow last week assuring that the fee extracted by Maldivian Airlines for the carrying of surf boards used in the surfing sport will be reduced.

The appeal to decrease the fee charged for surf board carriage was made by Ahmed Rasheed from Gaaf Dhaalu Atoll Gadhdhoo during the “President’s Answer” series.

His concern during the president’s visit to the island of Gaaf Dhaalu Atoll Gadhdhoo was the large fee extracted by the Maldivian Airline for the transport of surf boards in spite of the surfing sports proceeding within local tourism. He had further highlighted that many difficulties are caused by this.

In response to this appeal, the president had acknowledged that the fee for transporting surf boards is costly, assuring that deliberations will ensue and an ease of operation will be arranged.

Four days following this assurance by the president, the Airline declared their price reduction for surf board transport on a post made on social platform X Sunday evening. As detailed in the post, 33 percent has been removed from the initial fee earlier charged for the largest size of surf bags measuring 86 inches in length, 24 inches in breadth, and 6-10 inches in width while the smallest category of surf boards measuring 86 inches in length, 24 inches in breadth and up to 5 inches in width has seen a price reduction of 66 percent.

The President’s Answer forum is a response program utilizing video mediators to respond to the people’s inquiries. Presently, a special portal wherein complaints and questions of the people can be proposed directly to the president himself has also been launched under the name “People’s Voice”.