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Arrested judges appeal conviction at Supreme Court

Nafaahath Ibrahim
13 June 2018, MVT 12:59
Chief Justice Abdulla saeed and Judge Ali Hameed. PHOTO/ MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
13 June 2018, MVT 12:59

The jailed Supreme Court Judges, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Judge Ali Hameed, have appealed their conviction at the top court.

Both judges are arrested in relation to the alleged coup in early February this year, when the Supreme Court had released a verdict to release political prisoners and reinstate unseated parliamentarians.

The High Court had upheld the Criminal Court's verdict against both judges for undue influence on the judiciary. In addition, the High Court also maintained the verdict of the Criminal Court against CJ Saeed for ordering to shut down the Government's E-letter Management System (GEMS) of the Supreme Court.

As per the recent amendment to the Judicature Act, if the Supreme Court rules in favour of the lower courts' verdict, any judge convicted of a criminal offence would be removed from office, with immediate effect after the sentence.

The amendment further states that the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) must suspend the judges after their arrest.

Judge Ali Hameed and Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed have additional charges against them and are remanded till the end of their trials.