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Environment mininstry supplies drinking water to 30 islands

Mariyam Malsa
14 April 2020, MVT 11:13
Aerial view of Naifaru, Lhaviyani Atoll, one of the islands that requested assistance from the ministry. PHOTO: LHAVIYANI NAIFARU COUNCIL/FACEBOOK
Mariyam Malsa
14 April 2020, MVT 11:13

The Ministry of Environment, on Monday, revealed that it had provided drinking water supplies to 30 islands after existing supplies of drinking water in these islands were exhausted.

The environment ministry delivered 1,529 tonnes of drinking water to the aforementioned islands through Fenaka Corporation.

According to a ministry's media official, 48 islands had lodged requests for assistance by April 9. Islands that requested state assistance are spread out across the atolls of Haa Alif, Haa Dhaalu, Shaviyani, Noonu, Raa, Baa, Lhaviyani, Alif Alif, Alif Dhaalu, Vaavu, Meemu, Dhaalu, Thaa, Gaafu Dhaalu and Laamu.

Shortages of drinking water during warmer months is a recurrent issue.

Assessing the level of water supplies and the condition of storage facilities in addition to overseeing efforts to establish additional water storage facilities in inhabited islands falls within the mandate of the environment ministry.

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