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Maximum duration for fairs and night markets extended for 10 days

Previously, such events were permitted for a maximum of seven days.

Malika Shahid
31 July 2024, MVT 13:50
Night market held in 2020 following school holidays -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
31 July 2024, MVT 13:50

The maximum duration for fairs, night markets, and street markets in the Maldives has been extended to 10 days.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade gazetted an amendment to the regulations for issuing permits for these events, now allowing a maximum period of 10 days.

Previously, such events were permitted for a maximum of seven days.

Regulations for issuing permits to operate fairs, night markets, or street markets have been in place since 2019, formulated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

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