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Sadha's death: State against out of court settlement

Attorney General's Office today refused to enter negotiations to settle the lawsuit out of court and assume responsibility of Saadha's death.

Ameera Osmanagic
12 June 2024, MVT 16:03
[File] Saadha Saudhulla, passed away at the age of five while receiving treatment at Fuvahmulah Hospital --
Ameera Osmanagic
12 June 2024, MVT 16:03

The state today refused to enter negotiations with parents of five year old Saadha Saudhulla who passed away in October 2021, allegedly due to the negligence of Fuvahmulah Hospital.

The lawsuit ongoing in Civil Court was brought forward by Saadha's parents who allege that Saadha's death was caused due to a wrong injection administered while receiving treatment at the hospital.

During the last hearing, Saadha's parents expressed their willingness to enter negotiations to settle the matter out of court on the condition that the state accepts fault. Civil Court allowed a two day period for the state to deliberate and announce their decision.

However, the Attorney General's Office today confirmed that it wants to move forward with a trial.

Saadha's father said that they decided to sue the state to prevent another family from enduring what their family had to go through due to the negligence of the state. He also added that while some government agencies have already determined the hospital's negligence in the death of his daughter, the state now refuses to even accept responsibility.

Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) previously decided that there is sufficient reason to believe doctors and nurses were negligent in treating Saadha, which resulted in her death. The medical council also cancelled the licenses of some doctors involved in the case.

Saadha was taken to Ghaviyani atoll Fuvahmulah Hospital on 3rd October 2021 with complaints of stomach pain and vomiting. Her father Saudhulla Ahmed Hassan Didi claimed that she passed away after receiving an injection.

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