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"Will not buy fish from boats obstructing operations of Addu Fisheries Complex": MIFCO

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has issued a caution to fishermen protesting in Addu, stating that the company will suspend the purchasing of fish for three months from boats involved in obstructing the operations of the Addu Fisheries Complex.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 June 2024, MVT 19:15
Fishermen at the AFC premises continue protesting.-- Photo: MIFCO
Mariyath Mohamed
23 June 2024, MVT 19:15

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has issued a caution to fishermen protesting in Addu, stating that the company will suspend the purchasing of fish for three months from boats involved in obstructing the operations of the Addu Fisheries Complex (AFC).

The company said that the current halt of operations of AFC forced by protestors is causing immense financial loss.

They said that efforts are ongoing in collaboration with relevant institutes to resume operations at the complex. They went on to warn that any obstructions to staff working to resume regular operations would be met with a three month suspension of fish purchasing from the involved fishing vessel.

Fishermen from a number of fishing vessels in Addu have been protesting at the AFC located in Hulhumeedhoo since last Thursday.

MIFCO has been working with the Police to find a resolution as protesters have continued to block operations, vandalize company property and present difficulties to staff staying on the premises.

Protests continue at the AFC.-- Photo: MIFCO

Protesters are trespassing onto restricted areas of the complex, such as the cold storage area, power house, and staff accommodation, resulting in bringing the operations of the complex to a complete halt.

After protesters vandalized the staff canteen, and prevented electricity from being restored at the employee accommodations, the staff at the complex had to sleep last night on makeshift bedding made of plastic sheeting out in the open. Staff are also facing difficulties in accessing toilet facilities, as well as in taking meals.

The fishermen earlier threatened to remove all staff from the area and conduct a complete takeover of the facility at 16:00 hrs today. However, AFC staff continue to be active at the location, with protection from Police.

Protesters are demanding that electricity remain disconnected in the accommodation block, the staff canteen and the administrative building. They additionally demand that the overdue payments to fishermen be settled immediately.

At the end of last year, MVR 234 million due to fishermen had been settled, with MVR 766 million paid so far this year. MIFCO is currently purchasing fish at an MVR 8 loss to the company.

MIFCO said that the payments after weighing fish from vessels have to be settled with government aid. They said that the company is continuing to work with the government to source the funds to settle the remaining dues to fishermen.

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