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Ooredoo launches Noonu atoll Landhoo as first digital island

Landhoo was declared a digital island by Ooredoo today. The island's services are digitalised with the help of AI.

Ameera Osmanagic
17 May 2024, MVT 18:51
Ooredoo declared N. Landhoo a digital island today -- Photo: Ooredoo Maldives
Ameera Osmanagic
17 May 2024, MVT 18:51

Ooredoo Maldives today has launched Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered digital services in Landhoo island of Noonu Atoll up north of Maldives as part of its digital island initiative making it the first digital island in the country.

Ooredoo said that this is an important step towards digitalising the entire country and ensuring everyone in the country participates in the initiative. The telecom company also added that they will be collaborating with Landhoo Council to bring impactful changes to the social and economic scenes of the island.

As such, the aim of the Ooredoo digital island initiative is to develop and pave way for further enhancement of the island's health, education and business sectors of the island through strategic partnerships, innovative digital solutions.

"We are deeply honored to select N. Landhoo as the inaugural island for the Ooredoo Digital Island program, impressed by their enthusiastic adoption of digital innovation aimed at enhancing the lives of its residents," CEO and MD of Ooredoo Maldives Khalid Al-Hamadi said.

"The integration of m-Faisaa, our digital payment platform, into the daily lives of Landhoo residents last year marked a significant advancement in the local financial ecosystem. Notably, over 80 percent of transactions via Ooredoo happen digitally, showcasing the island's readiness to embrace digital solutions," he further noted.

Landhoo Council President Abdul Azeez thanked Ooredoo for their initiative and added that easing the every day lives of residents is one of the main objectives of the island.

"[I] hope that we will be able to introduce modern digital solutions which would benefit the people of Landhoo through [our] collaborations with Ooredoo Maldives," he said.

Ooredoo said that with its high speed telecommunication network paired with modern technology, AI and innovative services, the company will work to ensure that Landhoo stays in the forefront of this digital generation.

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