Aiming to ease their difficult living conditions, the Higher Education Ministry has decided to distribute a stipend of MVR 6000 to students under the free degree scheme which prioritizes atoll native students who relocated to the city for education.
A monthly MVR 6000 stipend loan has been determined to be distributed to native atoll students who have relocated to Male’ City for education purposes as a financial aid for their living conditions.
Minister of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development, Dr Mariyam Mariya stated in a press conference last Thursday that in order to expand higher education by 500 slots, students who are registered within the government’s free degree scheme are set to receive a monthly stipend of MVR 6000 within the loan in order to settle their living expenses.
Issued through a repayment scheme, this loan prioritizes students from atolls who have relocated to Male’ City for their studies. During this nomination, 20 slots is decided to open. Minister Dr Mariya stated that these 20 students will be selected from the amongst the applicants and that this will become a significant aid for these students.
"Presently, the fee degree pays for the course fee. However, these students are facing some challenges. The educational expenses after coming to study. Because their accommodation is not settled. Minister highlighted students native to atolls because students who come from outside require some additional expenses,” State Minister of Ministry of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development, Ahmed Shafeeu further elaborated on Minister Dr Mariya’s address.
This monthly MVR 6000 stipend is issued once the students submit their request. The Ministry of Higher Education further shared that the repayment period of this loan will begin six month after the student completes the education course.
Adding that this loan was introduced due to the concerns of many students, the Ministry stated that students will experience significant relief from their difficulties with the issuance of this stipend.
While, at present, over 18,000 students are studying through the free degree scheme introduced by the former government, over 6,000 students have completed their education.