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ARC calls for stringent measures in wake of recent child rapes

Shahudha Mohamed
14 June 2020, MVT 12:52


Nishan Ali, Jan 17, 2020 18:07, For version:264852_3 
ގއ. ކަނޑުހުޅުދޫގައި ދެ އަހަރުގެ އަންހެން ކުއްޖަކު ރޭޕްކުރި މައްސަލައާ ގުޅިގެން ޗައިލްޑް އެބިއުޒްއާ ދެކޮޅަށް އިއްޔެ މާލޭގައި ބޭއްވި އެއްވުން: އާންމުން ވަނީ ރުޅިގަދަވެފައި -. ފޮޓޯ:ނިޝާން އަލީ/މިހާރު

Moosa Latheef, Jan 18, 2020 14:48, For version:264852_3 
Outraged citizens gathered in front of the gender ministry on January 16, 2020, to protest against rape and sexual violence, after the case of a two-year-old girl sexually abused by her grandfather and great-grandfather came to light. PHOTO/MIHAARU CHILD ABUSE GA KANDUHULHUDHOO CHILD RAPE PROTEST


Nishan Ali, Jan 17, 2020 18:07, For version:264852_3 
ގއ. ކަނޑުހުޅުދޫގައި ދެ އަހަރުގެ އަންހެން ކުއްޖަކު ރޭޕްކުރި މައްސަލައާ ގުޅިގެން ޗައިލްޑް އެބިއުޒްއާ ދެކޮޅަށް އިއްޔެ މާލޭގައި ބޭއްވި އެއްވުން: އާންމުން ވަނީ ރުޅިގަދަވެފައި -. ފޮޓޯ:ނިޝާން އަލީ/މިހާރު

Moosa Latheef, Jan 18, 2020 14:48, For version:264852_3 
Outraged citizens gathered in front of the gender ministry on January 16, 2020, to protest against rape and sexual violence, after the case of a two-year-old girl sexually abused by her grandfather and great-grandfather came to light. PHOTO/MIHAARU
CHILD ABUSE GA KANDUHULHUDHOO CHILD RAPE PROTEST Captions CHILD ABUSE GA KANDUHULHUDHOO CHILD RAPE PROTEST shidhatha Nishan Ali, Jan 17, 2020 18:07, For version:264852_3 ގއ. ކަނޑުހުޅުދޫގައި ދެ އަހަރުގެ އަންހެން ކުއްޖަކު ރޭޕްކުރި މައްސަލައާ ގުޅިގެން ޗައިލްޑް އެބިއުޒްއާ ދެކޮޅަށް އިއްޔެ މާލޭގައި ބޭއްވި އެއްވުން: އާންމުން ވަނީ ރުޅިގަދަވެފައި -. ފޮޓޯ:ނިޝާން އަލީ/މިހާރު Moosa Latheef, Jan 18, 2020 14:48, For version:264852_3 Outraged citizens gathered in front of the gender ministry on January 16, 2020, to protest against rape and sexual violence, after the case of a two-year-old girl sexually abused by her grandfather and great-grandfather came to light. PHOTO/MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
14 June 2020, MVT 12:52

Local Non-Profit 'Advocating the Rights of Children' (ARC) on Friday, called for more stringent measures to prevent sexual abuse, rape and exploitation of children in guesthouses across the country.

In a statement publicised following the latest atrocity in the capital, the NGO stated that "ARC strongly condemns the recent cases of rape of 11 and 16-year-olds, with both cases reportedly happening at guesthouses in Male’ City".

ARC expressed concern over the lack of supervision of guesthouses registered with the Ministry of Tourism and numerous unregistered room rentals that continue to operate without proper scrutiny from the authorities.

Noting that reports of children being transported for exploitation are increasing, ARC called upon the administration to "bring amendments to laws and regulations on transportation, to address the issue of trafficking of minors".

"Relevant authorities must ensure proper investigation of both cases and press charges according to Articles 122, 123, 124, 125 and 126 of the Child Rights Protection Act 2019, which articulates penalties for offences committed against children, including exploitation, grooming, negligence and failure to protect a child from harm", the statement read.

Reiterating their concern about increasing cases of violence against children which continue due to systematic flaws in the child protection system in the country, "exacerbated by deficiencies in law enforcement, judicial and social sectors tasked with the promotion and protection of the rights of children in the Maldives", ARC also appealed to parents and the community to take a more vigilant stand to protect children from violence, abuse and exploitation, and to report such cases, or any suspicious activity.

Reports can be filed at Child Helpline 1412 or Police Helpline 3000600.

Maldives Police Service arrested a 38-year-old man on Friday in connection to the rape of the 11-year-old, which was reported to the authorities on June 10.

Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed, on Saturday, requested the Prosecutor General's Office to order the suspect to be detained till the end of trial.

A similar incident was reported on May 28, where the victim aged 16 was brought from another island by means of blackmail. A 28-year-old has been arrested as part of the ongoing investigation of this case.

Following the ongoing lockdown imposed over the health crisis, concerns have been raised by a number of NGOs and advocates working against gender-based violence and to protect child care rights, about the increased danger faced by those "locked-in" with their "abusers" as well.

The government is yet to act on its pledge to reduce the number of cases and increase the number of arrests and successfully pressed charges against offenders.

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