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Abdul Gadir retracts candidacy to support Zameer

Abdul Gadir, who secured the PPM/PNC ticket for Mid Machchangolhi Constituency has retracted his candidacy and expressed support for Zameer, who is partaking the elections as an independent candidate endorsed by the President.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 March 2024, MVT 16:38
President Dr Mohamed Muizz speaking during the ceremony held last night in Chaandhanee Magu to open the campaign booth of Candidate Zameer . Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 March 2024, MVT 16:38

Mohamed Abdul Gadir (Kooku) who secured the People's National Congress (PNC) and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) coalition ticket for the Mid Machchangolhi Constituency has decided to retract his candidacy in support of the independent candidate, Ahmed Zameer.

Serving as a member of the Male' City Council, Zameer is a close confidant of President and People's National Congress leader Dr Mohamed Muizzu.

Abdul Gadir had secured 174 votes during the PPM/PNC coalition primaries while Zameer had accumulated 127 ballots.

Abdul Gadir had attended the ceremony held last night in Chaandhanee Magu to open the campaign booth of Zameer which was also participated in by the President.

During the ceremony held last night in Chaandhanee Magu to open the campaign booth of Candidate Zameer . Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru

Speaking at the ceremony, Adul Gadir had commended candidate Zameer who holds the endorsement of the President and implored the people to support Zameer and cast their ballot for him.

With Abdul Gadir's decision to rescind his candidacy in support of Zameer, President Muizzu had remarked that it was a very humble and sincere decision.

"Joining the efforts by all of us to allow the party to achieve the seat of this Constituency and the determination to endorse Zameer in the belief that this presents the most astute, peaceful and highest chance to achieve this [the parliament seat] is a very humble decision," said the President.

President had subsequently expressed his gratitude to Abdul Gadir during the ceremony.

"This is not something just anyone would do. It couldn't have been done by anyone other than someone with a very big heart," said the President, praising Abdul Gadir.