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Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi Falhu landplot relocation window extended

The window extended last week to apply for relocation of land plots allocated from Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi Falhu has been extended in accordance with the appeals of many recipients. This extended deadline expires next Thursday at 23:00 hrs.

Aishath Shuba Solih
15 April 2024, MVT 12:29
Recipients issued land from Gulhi Falhu inspecting the allocated land at the reclaimed lagoon. -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News Recipients issued land from Gulhi Falhu inspecting the allocated land at the reclaimed lagoon. -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News
Recipients issued land from Gulhi Falhu inspecting the allocated land at the reclaimed lagoon. -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
15 April 2024, MVT 12:29

The window opened to apply for relocation of land plots allocated from Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi Faru within the former administration’s ‘Binveriya’ scheme has been extended.

The Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development previously stated that the decision to relocate these land plots was made because space required for essential services were not considered amid the initial allocation of land plots from Giraavaru Falhu.

After determining on a switch of 1,327 land plots to Gulhi Falhu, the window for applications was opened on April 7 with April 14 as the initial deadline. However, due to the requests of multiple recipients appealing to extend this period, the Ministry announced its decision to extend the window until 23:00 hrs next Thursday.

The Ministry further revealed that in the case the received applications for relocation exceeds the designated amount, the relocated land plots will be determined by holding a draw for which the Ministry will pre-announce a date.

The government has dedided to relocate a total of 1347 land plots to Gulhi Falhu. This includes;

- 193 land plots of 1250 sqft

- 663 land plots of 1650 sqft

- 487 land plots of 2050 sqft

- 4 land plots of 2450 sqft

While the forms requesting relocation can be submitted through the Ministry’s ‘Hiyavahi’ portal, they have implored applicants to make sure to complete the agreement required to be filled out by land recipients.

Land issued from Giraavaru Falhu lagoon is being transferred to Gulhi Falhu due to the restructured land use plan - which accommodates the unincorporated essential services - observing that it is no longer possible for land to be allocated to the same number they were initially issued.

Doubts had subsequently surfaced on whether lands will be allocated at all with this change. Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development, Dr Ali Haidhar had consequently issued documents confirming receival of late plots with his signature to recipients last Tuesday.