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Courts disclose identities of those who fail to pay child support

A number of magistrate courts across the atolls have begun disclosing the identities of persons who fail to pay child support.

Mariyath Mohamed
15 January 2025, MVT 13:47
Mariyath Mohamed
15 January 2025, MVT 13:47

A number of magistrate courts across the atolls have begun disclosing the identities of persons who fail to pay child support.

Courts consider persons who do not pay child support fees as ordered by the court as having proven debts. The Family Act allows for identities of such persons to be publicly announced.

The Family Court, however, has not done so as of yet. However, the Kulhudhuhfushi Magistrate Court and Hinnavaru Magistrate Court have initiated this measure effective this month.

Yesterday, the Kulhudhuhfushi Magistrate Court publicly announced the name of one such individual. The Hinnavaru Magistrate Court did the same on January 7.

As per current regulations, child support has to be paid as follows:

- If one child, then a monthly payment of MVR 2000

- If more than one child, then a monthly payment of MVR 1000 per child

However, if the father has the financial means, or if the child requires additional expenses, then the Courts can order payments higher than this.

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