The heavy rains experienced in Male' last weekend caused the highest damage in rains yet to the capital, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has said.
The heavy rains experienced in Male' last weekend caused the highest damage in rains yet to the capital, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has said.
NDMA said that the damage caused to residences in the rains amount to MVR 2.2 million.
The weekend saw torrential continuous downpours, leading to the streets becoming heavily flooded and flowing into residences and shops. Vehicles, as well as many appliance and household objects were damaged.
After conducting assessments of damage resulting from the flooding, NDMA said that 145 residences in Male' were affected. Assessments have been conducted on 115 of these. 13 residences refused assessments, while 17 remain pending due to inability to contact the owner and so, being unable to access the residences.
NDMA said that that the estimated loss of over MVR 2 million from flood damage does not include shops, businesses and warehouses.
They said that this is is the weather incident that has caused the highest amount of damage in Male', and where the highest number of people had to be relocated to temporary shelter as well.
NDMA said that the response operation to the flooding cost MVR 61,000. MVR 200,000, meanwhile, was spent on relief efforts, such as providing temporary shelter and food to those affected.
- Raa atoll Inguraidhoo and Noonu atoll Narudhoo reported damages due to swell waves
- Eight islands reported flooding due to heavy rains: Faafu atoll Nilandhoo, Dhaalu atoll Kudahuvadhoo, Dhaalu atoll Meedhoo, Faafu atoll Magoodhoo, Alif Dhaalu atoll Maamigili, Kaafu atoll Guraidhoo, Faafu atoll Feeali and Kaafu atoll Himmafushi
- 73 residences from four of these islands submitted assessment forms of damage - 43 forms from Dhaalu atoll Meedhoo, 3 forms from Alif Dhaalu atoll Maamigili, 5 forms from Faafu atoll Magoodhoo, 22 forms from Faafu atoll Nilandhoo
- Damage to residences across the atolls sum up to MVR 100,000. This does not include loss to agricultural fields, businesses and warehouses