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Defense Minister temporarily heads Agriculture and Animal Welfare Ministry

Mohamed Rehan
03 December 2023, MVT 11:16
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Welfare Dr. Aishath Rameela; she has flown abroad to treat for cancer, which she revealed had reached its last stage-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
03 December 2023, MVT 11:16

Minister of Defense Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon has been temporarily assigned to head the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare.

The Defense Minister has been tasked with leading the Ministry after its Minister, Dr. Aishath Rameela, flew abroad for cancer treatment on November 23.

The President's Office stated that Minister Ghassan will be assuming the top position at the Agriculture Ministry until Minister Rameela returns.

Minister Rameela revealed her cancer diagnosis on Facebook last Thursday and announced her decision to travel abroad for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

She further disclosed that, at the time of the discovery, her cancer had reached its final stage, although she did not specify the nature of the ailment. In her Facebook message, the Minister mentioned that she was seeking to receive HIPEC treatment, typically administered for abdominal cancer.

"With a heavy heart I bid everyone farewell. With God's grace, we will meet again," her message read.

Dr. Rameela, who commenced her career as a nurse in 1990, has previously served as a State Minister on two occasions.

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