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MDP begins door-to-door campaign ahead of elections

Fathmath Shaahunaz
07 July 2018, MVT 21:29
MDP's presidential candidate MP Ibrahim "Ibu" Mohamed Solih pictured during his door-to-door campaign. PHOTO: AHMED NISHATH/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
07 July 2018, MVT 21:29

Main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) on Saturday began its door-to-door campaigning in capital Male for the upcoming presidential election.

The campaign activities were launched Saturday morning at the party's main hub by its presidential candidate, Hinnavaru MP Ibrahim "Ibu" Mohamed Solih.

MP Ibu was joined in the campaign by Machangolhi North MP Maariya Ahmed Didi, Mid-Henveiru MP Ali Azim and MDP's Deputy Chairperson Ahmed Abdulla.

MDP's Secretary General Anas Abdul Sattar stated that MP Ibu would visit households in all constituencies of the capital city during the door-to-door campaign.

"The reactions to our candidate have been very positive," he said.

While Ibu from MDP has been nominated as the joint opposition's common presidential candidate for the election in September, the running mate is to be announced from coalition partner Jumhooree Party. JP has stated that it would finalise the running mate coming Tuesday.