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1000 day countdown for Majeedhiya School's 100th anniversary begins

A 1000 day countdown to Majeedhiyya School's 100th anniversary, inclusive of many festivities, has been started last night.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 July 2024, MVT 10:23
Majeedhiyaa school 100 years count down
Mariyath Mohamed
24 July 2024, MVT 10:23

A 1000 day countdown to Majeedhiyya School's 100th anniversary, inclusive of many festivities, has been started last night.

The countdown was launched by Minister of Education Dr Ismail Shafeeu at a special ceremony held at the school last night.

At the ceremony, certificates were awarded to individuals who have served at the school for over 20 years.

While the countdown is to have many activities within the next 1000 days, it starts off with a special music show planned for tonight, called 'Majeedhiya Dhammaru'. This show will feature musicians who were past students of the school.

Majeedhiyaa school 100 years count down

Organizers have said that many famous faces will be seen performing in this show. This show is also expected to be the first platform where many musicians famous over the years are featured together.

Majeedhiya School began classes on April 19, 1927. It's 100th anniversary will be marked on April 19, 2027. Earlier, the school organized many celebratory events to mark their 75th anniversary.

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