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President Solih vows to never abuse presidential power

Mohamed Rehan
23 August 2023, MVT 14:53
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in B. Kudarikilu; he made several pledges for the island during his campaign visit-- Photo: MDP
Mohamed Rehan
23 August 2023, MVT 14:53

President and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has reiterated his commitment to never misuse his presidential powers and authority.

President Solih made these remarks while addressing the residents of Baa atoll Kudarikilu. He is currently on a visit to the islands of the atoll as part of his presidential campaign.

During the campaign rally, President Solih said that although the executive branch possesses the power to dismantle the courts if desired, he personally will never misuse his authority as the president.

“There are several discretionary powers and authorities of a president, and should they wish, they could go and dismantle not only the Supreme Court, but the High Court and other courts as well. But that is when they exploit their authority and we will never abuse our powers like that,” President Solih.

He further said that the public are tax-paying citizens, and the government collects taxes to offer services to them. President Solih highlighted that the opposition coalition had previously not effectively managed tax revenues and had failed to allocate the budgeted funds for the Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP) to develop island communities.

President Solih said that that his administration implemented a sound public finance protocol to address the absence of a valid system before. He criticized former President Abdulla Yameen for the absence of a proper public finance system and highlighted that the former president had transferred state funds to personal accounts.

He questioned how the former president, who is currently incarcerated due to his convictions for money laundering and graft, could be released from prison.

“The courts should function independently. We must allow them to operate without coercion. Independence and transparency in the state bodies is the sign of good governance, and God willing, the judiciary will operate in the same independent manner in the future as well,” President Solih said.

He further said that the misuse of legal authority would lead the Maldives into an uncertain and challenging future.

During the campaign rally at Kudarikilu, President Solih announced his pledges for the island which include;

- Multi-purpose hall in Kudarikilu school

- Development of a youth center

- ATM center

- Improve the electricity network

- Development of a children’s park

Following the campaign rally, President Solih inaugurated the island’s harbor developed under his administration.