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Health Ministry holds door-to-door programmes on 2019-nCoV

Shahudha Mohamed
04 February 2020, MVT 11:57
Officials of Ministry of Health providing information about the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) during door-to-door programmes conducted in islands. PHOTO: HEALTH MINISTRY
Shahudha Mohamed
04 February 2020, MVT 11:57

Ministry of Health held a door-to-door awareness programme on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak recently declared as a global health emergency.

According to the ministry, during the door-to-door programme held in a total of 125 islands, information on the preventive measures for the disease was provided to employees of government offices, school students and the general public.

An official from Health Ministry added that awareness programmes will be conducted in resorts and islands leased for industrial purposes, in addition to all inhabited islands in the country.

The official assured that the programme can be conducted in all parts of Maldives within a short period of time.

Since the respiratory virus spreads mainly through droplets expelled while coughing and sneezing, the risk of infection can be greatly reduced by practising proper hygiene and frequent hand washing. In the case of flu-like symptoms, it is important to cough and sneeze into tissues and dispose of them properly.

As preventive measures against the novel coronavirus, the state has strengthened border control and restricted entry to all persons travelling from or transits at China, apart from locals.

Although one suspected case was formerly quarantined at the isolation facility in Fonadhoo, he was released after the test results came back negative.

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