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Court stops levying MVR25 fee with applications for Order of Protection Against Domestic Violence

Family Court has stopped taking MVR25 fee with the application for Order of Protection Against Domestic Violence. PG Shameem has indicated that these changes are brought to ease access to protection for victims.

Mariyath Mohamed
20 January 2024, MVT 18:26
Family Court.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
20 January 2024, MVT 18:26

The Family Court has stopped charging the MVR 25 fee that they used to take with applications seeking Order of Protection Against Domestic Violence.

Previously, the fee had to be paid through the courts 'Bandeyri' online portal. However, the new form, released last Thursday, no longer stipulates the payment of the fee.

Prosecutor General (PG) Hussain Shameem has written details about this decision on his personal blog.

According to Shameem, the Family Court decided to rescind the fee after deliberations amongst concerned institutions.

"As the medium for paying the fee was Bandeyri Portal, it required internet access and other resources. Considering the generally vulnerable status of persons who would be in a position to have to apply for an Order of Protection Against Domestic Violence, all the institutions unanimously agreed on rescinding the fee," the post reads.

Previously, the form was rejected if all the required documentation was not submitted along with it. However, the form will be accepted even without the required documentation now, provided the applicant submits the reason for the document being not included.

The form will also be made available via the PG Office website in the near future.

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