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Gender Ministry fines media-outlet for coverage of murdered minor

Lamya Abdulla
25 June 2021, MVT 10:54
Gender Ministry Aishath Mohamed Didi: Gender Ministry has fined a media outlet for the first time today -- Photo: National Emergency Operations Center
Lamya Abdulla
25 June 2021, MVT 10:54

Gender Ministry has fined "Avas" news over how they covered the death of the 13 year old boy who was found dead in the sea of Hulhumale'.

This is the first time Gender Ministry has fined any media for their reportage. Avas was fined MVR 2,000, for publishing information that can reveal the identity of the victim which is against the Child Protection Act.

In addition to Avas, three other online news outlets were "disciplined" and reminded on the correct procedure on how to cover sensitive issues related to minors. They are "Vaguthu," "One Online," and "Adhadhu."

Gender Ministry notes that some media reported the name of the child along with the family problems of the child and included graphic description of the his body.

According to the Gender Ministry, they are obliged to action against disclosing information that takes away the dignity of minors on social, media under the Child Protection Act.

The child was reported as kidnapped on Sunday. He was found around 2:30 am on Tuesday.

So far, Ibrahim Zihaan, 27, from Noonu Landhoo and another minor, aged 17, has been arrested in connection to the murder of the boy. While Zihan is to be kept under police custody until sentencing, the 17 year old male is to be kept under custody for 15 days.

Gender Ministry does not have the jurisdiction to fine media: MMC

Even though Gender Ministry has stated they can fine media outlets for disclosing private information of minors that defames them, Maldives Media Council (MMC) disagrees and has expressed concern for the ministry's decision.

MMC states fining and taking any action against media falls within their jurisdiction. They have further criticised the fact Gender Ministry went ahead with the fine without giving Avas news an opportunity to defend nor explain themselves.

A press release by MMC states, they believe the way forward in cases like this is not fining media outlets. They added that such decisions would put Maldives behind in the recent advancements the nation has achieved in regards to press freedom. They believe this would decrease Maldives' standing on the World Press Freedom Index.