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Parliament member total to be capped at 77

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has said that an amendment to the Constitution will be proposed to cap the total number of parliamentarians to 77 from next term onwards in a bid to decrease State expenditure.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 July 2024, MVT 09:36
Gathering held at PNC House last night. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
08 July 2024, MVT 09:36

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has said that an amendment to the Constitution will be proposed to cap the total number of parliamentarians to 77 from next term onwards in a bid to decrease State expenditure.

Speaking at an event at PNC House last night, the President said that while efforts are being set in place to reduce government expenditure, the system should also be organized in an appropriate manner. He said that with the current laws, the number of parliamentarians will keep increasing as the population rises, and so he endorses the proposition to cap the total number of parliamentarians.

"If we go on as things are, [the number of parliamentarians] will reach 100, or even exceed that, as the population grows. This is not reasonable. as I see it, decreasing the number too much is also not the right course of action. The most appropriate is the number of parliamentarians the 17th Parliament had. That is 77 members. Limit the total to 77 members, and cap the total at that," President Muizzu said.

"So that the next parliament that is elected does not have 93 [members] or more than that, I will propose an amendment to the law to limit it to 77 members or thereabouts," he said.

Parliament also held a debate on the matter, with the issue now sent to committee for further review. As per the Constitution at present, every 5000 persons, or less in constituencies with a lower population, must have two members of parliament representing them. If the registered population exceeds 5000, there must be a member elected for every additional 5000 persons.

Four parliamentary elections have been held after the current Constitution came into effect. Each term, the number of parliamentarians increase. In 2009, 77 members were elected, with the number rising to 85 in 2014. 2019 saw the election of 85 members, with the last election, held this year, voting in 93 members.

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