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Disaster Management Centre compensates flood victims

20 December 2018, MVT 14:42
A man clears flood water from a household in Male' during the monsoonal rains earlier this December. PHOTO: MIHAARU A man clears flood water from a household in Male' during the monsoonal rains earlier this December. PHOTO: MIHAARU
A man clears flood water from a household in Male' during the monsoonal rains earlier this December. PHOTO: MIHAARU
20 December 2018, MVT 14:42

National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) on Wednesday started granting financial aid to households that suffered huge losses in the flooding caused by heavy showers earlier this December.

Project Coordinator of NMDC, Hisaan Hassan, clarified in a press conference Wednesday that the collection box opened for the public, following the flooding, accumulated a total of MVR 1.3 million in donations.

Hisaan added that financial aid was being handed out accordingly to a total of 127 parties after conducting proper assessments for those who suffered losses in the disaster. Twenty-four people were handed their share of donations on Wednesday alone, Hisaan said.

Donations are handed out following a set procedure after reviewing damages to households. Hisaan revealed that the procedure includes contacting the owner of each household, securing relevant documents, and handing out contributions only after all the necessary steps have been completed and documented.

Hisaan further stated that the financial aid is sufficient to regenerate 94 percent of losses suffered by all households. Hisaan also said that the households which suffered the most significant loss is to be awarded over MVR 45,000 in damages.

NDMC believes that a compensation covering 94 percent of total loss is a more than sufficient amount for the families to restore their prior living standards.

Continuous heavy showers poured over Male City in early December resulting in high floods and irreversible damages in appliances, vehicles and private property. Government provided temporary housing for families who were deprived of proper living conditions due to the floods.

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