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Hulhumalé Covid facility to be handed over to NDMA

Lamya Abdulla
31 December 2022, MVT 13:23
(FILE) A photo of Hulhumale' Medical Facility (HMF) captured in September, 2020: CEO of NDMA Hisaan Hassan said the facility will help NDMA to run their operations as it is big and well equipped already -- Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
31 December 2022, MVT 13:23

The building used as a Covid-19 care facility in Hulhumalé has been handed over to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) for their use.

The government has informed them that they have decided to use the building formerly used as a Covid care facility as NDMA's office, according to NDMA CEO Hisaan Hasan. Hulhumalé Development Corporation (HDC) will be handing over the building soon.

Established in 2004 after the tsunami, the NDMA office now operates in Rihijehi Koshi in Malé'. Prior to this, their operations were conducted in various schools in Malé, the Social Centre in Malé, Dharubaaruge and Civil Service Commission Building.

Hisaan said that for the last 18 years, the organisation have been conducting their operations in difficult conditions. However, the allotment of their own land will go a long way in boosting their work.

"As it is already a well made facility with some of the equipment we require in the building, it will help us a lot when we are working," Hisaan said.

The Covid facility was made in a 39,000 square foot land in front of Tree Top Hospital.

He said the building will be used after inspecting the state of it when it is handed over, and conducting repairs if necessary. He noted that once they start operating out of a big space like this they will be able to provide their services equally to all the citizens of Maldives.

He said the building will have a warehouse for storage, an emergency operation centre and a temporary shelter facility for disaster victims.

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