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House in Male' falling to ruins; danger to the neighbourhood

This article is based on a report by Fathimath Ajfan of Mihaaru.

Mariyath Mohamed
21 May 2024, MVT 14:29
gomashi ge
Mariyath Mohamed
21 May 2024, MVT 14:29

A house in Male' is falling to ruins, with parts of the building falling down into the road, posing danger to pedestrians and motorists in the vicinity, not to mention parked vehicles and the general neighbourhood.

The house, identified as Gomashige in Mahchangolhi ward in capital Male' City, has been abandoned for about nine years now, neighbours say. Initially, after the residents moved away, there were efforts to renovate this three storey building. However, the efforts were short-lived and the building has remained uninhabited and left to ruins for years since.

Balcony demolished in Gomashige.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Several incidents have occurred as a result of parts of the building collapsing, and other damage to the age worn structure.

On August 30, 2020, a concrete pillar fell from the house, causing a serious head injury to an individual. The incident also resulted in causing damage to seven motorcycles parked on the street.

The following year, parts of the balcony started coming loose. A corrugated iron sheet was placed as temporary roofing, hoping to shield people on the street from falling debris. However, part of the balcony collapsed, taking with it the makeshift corrugated iron shelter, damaging numerous motorcycles parked in the area.

A motorcycle parked near Gomashige, with debris from the building fallen on it.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

At the time, Male' City Council, with now President Dr Mohamed Muizzu serving as Mayor, stepped in. They took the initiative to take down the balconies of the building. The council also issued an order to the owners of the house to demolish the building.

However, the structure remains in place and the issue remains without being addressed.

Just last week, part of the structure once again collapsed on to the street, neighbours said. No persons or property were damaged then, but last night, part of the remaining structure of the balcony came loose from the building again, falling atop a number of motorcycles parked underneath.

The structure of Gomashige is unstable, with parts of the building collapsing onto the road.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

"There were about four or five motorcycles parked there at the time. Whenever a part of that house's structure falls, officials from Police or the City Council will turn up. They'll come and ask everyone in the area for details of the incident. Then they'll just take some photos and leave. It's only when the next incident occurs, and another part of the structure collapses, that they will turn up again," a person living in the area said, dissatisfied with the authorities' handling of the situation.

"Police ask people to go to court to seek compensation [for the motorcycles that get damaged]. People end up not doing that because going to court again involves a lot of cost in itself."

Another person from the area spoke of the dangers posed by the building, especially with the rainy season and strong winds approaching.

"With every rain shower, with every gust of wind, parts of that building are falling. All the danger is faced by those who walk on the street, those who live in this area."

"We have reported this. But when we report, the 'addicts' who frequent the place come and threaten the person who make the report. So people have given up. Lives are more important, in the end," they said.

The people living in the neighbourhood appeal to the authorities to find a permanent solution to this danger to themselves, and those travelling on the road.

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