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"This concerns the entire Islamic community": President launches PSM Palestine telethon

The "Palestine aa eku Dhivehin" telethon will run from 08:00 hrs to midnight tonight. PSM has set up 13 donation boxes in the Male' region to collect funds for Palestine.

Malika Shahid
12 June 2024, MVT 10:57
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu and First Lady Sajidha Mohamed makes a donation during the telethon organized to aid the people of Palestine -- Photo: President's Office
Malika Shahid
12 June 2024, MVT 10:57

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu stated today that efforts to support the people of Palestine should be intensified.

Speaking at the launching ceremony of the telethon "Palestine aa eku Dhivehin," which translates to "Maldivians in Support of Palestine," organized by state media, Public Service Media (PSM), President Muizzu emphasized that the situation in Palestine is not a conflict between two countries but a issue which concerns the entire Islamic community.

"We cannot be blindsided and see this as a Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We must see this as a right, a responsibility, and an obligation of every Muslim," he said at the launch of the telethon, which runs from 08:00 hrs to midnight tonight.

"Doing everything we can for the Palestinian people is crucial. We have to provide as much aid as possible. Allah gives us blessings to use them responsibly."

President Muizzu speaks at the launching ceremony of the telethon organized to aid the people of Palestine -- Photo: President's Office

He highlighted that the Palestinian issue is the biggest concern faced by all Muslims.

"When things happen, you will see the [true] character of a person. This is the biggest concern facing us Muslims. This issue has escalated to an unprecedented level. If we do not help the Palestinian people now, then we have nothing else to talk about," President Muizzu said.

He urged people of all ideologies and walks of life to participate in the telethon and help Palestine.

First Lady Sajidha Mohamed makes a donation during the telethon organized to aid the people of Palestine -- Photo: President's Office

PSM has set up 13 donation boxes in the Male' region to collect funds for Palestine. These boxes are located in the Hiyaa Tower area of Hulhumale' Phase 2, Hulhumale' Hospital, Velana building area, State Trading Organization (STO) building area, Maldives Ports Limited (MPL), State Electric Company Limited (STELCO), ferry terminals, and STO supermarket area. A donation box has also been placed inside the Television Maldives (TVM) premises.

The government has stepped up its efforts for the Palestinian people and has begun the practical work of amending the law to ban Israeli passports in Maldives.