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Elevated new content for Baiskoafu

Malika Shahid
21 August 2022, MVT 17:48
Event marking the release of new content by Baiskoafu -- Photo: Baiskoafu
Malika Shahid
21 August 2022, MVT 17:48

Baiskoafu, a major brand renowned for creating original local content has come out with multiple new releases.

Baiskoafu has produced three different series in collaboration with various production houses in addition to releasing an original album.

New Shows

Baiskoafu is set to prepare and release three different scripted shows. The first show is a web series called "Gudhan". Gudhan is a show released by Orkeyz inc Productions. The show is based on the Maldivian environment showcasing issues seen in the community. This is a 12 episode show.

Artists attending the event of Baiskoafu -- Photo: Baiskoafu

The second show released is a crime thriller titled "Netheemey" directed by Moomin Fuad. The show which is a limited series of five episodes.

The new show by Baiskoafu is called "Dark Rain Chronicles". The show, produced by Dark Rain Studio, is an anthology. The anthology showcase six conversations show, which has a total of six episodes, entailing have six different conversations highlighting different issues.

Shahyd Legacy's new album

Shaheed Legacy's new album "Stasis" has also been released by Baiskoafu. Shaheed said that the new album was developed over a long period of time. The new album has been under works since 2018, and the fifth solo of Shahyd Legacy is a seven-song instrumental.

Release of Shahyd Legacy's new album "Stasis" during the event -- Photo: Baiskoafu

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