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Dhivehi Academy plans celebrations for Dhivehi Language Day

Mariyath Mohamed
10 April 2024, MVT 19:31
Mariyath Mohamed
10 April 2024, MVT 19:31

The Academy of the Dhivehi Language [Dhivehi Bahuge Academy] has requested that a special assembly be held in all government offices on the occasion of the Dhivehi Language Day.

The Dhivehi Language Day is annually marked on April 14, the birthday of writer Husain Salahuddin.

In a circular sent to government offices by the Academy on Tuesday, they requested that a special assembly be held with the participation of all staff members on Monday.

They asked that the assembly be held between 10:00 am and 10:30 am so that the day to day work of the offices are not affected.

Suggested activities for the assembly include:

- Recitation of Quran by a member of staff

- A special message on the occasion delivered by a senior official

- A speech by a Guest of Honour

- Voluntary speeches by staff

- A message from the office by the Head, Minister or President

Besides the assembly, the Academy has also decided to hold an inter-office handwriting competition.

A similar competition was held last hear as well, with over 300 participants.

A circular sent by the academy said that the competition will be held between State institutions, independent institutions and councils. Applications are now open for participants seeking to join the competition and can be sent in until 14:00 hrs on April 25.

A total of 5 persons can participate from each office in the two categories: neat writing and speed writing.

The theme for this years Dhivehi Language Day is 'Dhivehi Bahun Visnamaa' [Let's think in Dhivehi].

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