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There is no one better equipped to lead the country other than President Muizzu: Shareef

MP Shareef praises President Muizzu, stating that there is none better equipped to rule the country than him and none more considerate and competent. He urged the president to proceed boldly and unhesitatingly regardless of the opposing party's criticism.

Aishath Shuba Solih
19 February 2024, MVT 13:58
MP Ibrahim Shareef (Mavota Shareef) speaking at the meeting after signing into PNC
Aishath Shuba Solih
19 February 2024, MVT 13:58

Parliamentarian of the Maradhoo Constituency, Ibrahim Shareef (Mavota Shareef) praised President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu yesterday at an event in Addu, acclaiming that there is no one more competent than President Dr. Muizzu to lead the country in the political industry.

Shareef accompanied the president on his trip to Maradhoo /Feydhoo and spoke at the event, stating that the president is the only person who will be capable of realizing the people’s expectations. He assured his faithful belief that the president will fulfil the pledges made during his campaign to its utmost perfection.

Shareef, who had represented the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) as a senior representative in the parliament during their administration had recently resigned from the party and signed with People’s National Congress (PNC). He asserted that the people’s desires are to develop the country together with President Dr. Muizzu.

“In light of the experience I have gathered over my 35 years of lengthy service to the political industry, a second president who is as competent, capable and works closely with the people other than this president (President Dr. Muizzu) cannot be found. Regardless of how far and wide a place is scoured in search.”

President Dr Muizzu shaking hands with the people of Addu who greeted him upon arrival

Shareef appealed to the President to boldly pursue any step required to raise the country from its economic downfall. He insisted that the president need not heed any criticism directed by the opposing party.

“I told the president. Today, with the parliament majority being made up of those who wish to overthrow the government against the people's will, they will not allow this government to achieve anything.” Shareef said.

“(Told the president) to visit the people. To print money if money needs to be printed. To overdraft the state’s accounts if required to compensate the fishermen. To not hesitate.”

As stated by Shareef, the president is prepared to proceed his administration of the state in consideration of the people’s inclinations.

Shareef explained that his statement crediting the President Muizzu as a “hands on” president who cares the most about the people was due to the president deliberating with the public on matters that relate to the people and responding to messages he receives in person.

“Due to the country being drained, it will take some days to settle it down. I have no doubts in my heart that the current president and his economic team will regulate the country’s economy."