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Committee formation halted, parliament sitting adjourned

14 June 2023, MVT 20:15
Opposition MP's protesting in front of the parliament speaker on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 -- Parliament
14 June 2023, MVT 20:15

Parliament was adjourned on Wednesday due to disruptions caused by the opposition. They refused to proceed with the sitting unless the agenda item regarding the formation of standing committees was removed.

The parliament had to be adjourned twice as opposition members shouted slogans, saying the reconstitution of standing committees was not included in the agenda.

Central Henveiru MP Ali Azim took the lead by raising a point of order, expressing his concern over the clarity of the agenda items. Members of The Democrats joined in, raising similar point of orders and demanding the removal of the agenda item. They stood up and chanted slogans, emphasizing that the session could not proceed without addressing their concerns.

Despite the request made by Vilufushi MP Hassan Afeef to continue the sitting, he did not name any of the members involved in the disruption.

In response to the disruption caused by the opposition parliamentarians, members of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) urged the chair to take action and ensure the functioning of the parliament. However, despite these appeals, the opposition members continued to shout and disrupt the proceedings.

As soon as parliament resumed after being adjourned for the second time, opposition members stood in front of the Chair. Afeef concluded the session by saying that the parliamentary system was lost as the members kept shouting and disrupting the parliament from proceeding.

Accusations of profanities and violence

Before the first adjournment of the parliament, some of the overheard audio included individuals urging against resorting to violence while members of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and opposition MPs were engaged in arguments.

There were allegations of physical altercations between members in an attempt to disrupt their speeches and seize the microphone.

Committee looking at government responsibility at fault

The issue raised by Azim in forming committees to prevent the parliament session was the proposed change to the Committee on Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight in today's sitting.

He said the government cannot be held accountable as the main ruling party, MDP has 64 percent representation in the committee.

According to parliamentary regulations, there is no specific requirement for the composition of the Committee on Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight. In all the current 19th parliaments, MDP has seven members in the 11-member committee, which accounts for approximately 64 percent of the total committee.

The parliament regulations state that the representation of members in the standing committees should be considered equal to the representation of various parties in the parliament.

While MDP has said that the party should have 64 percent representation in each committee based on this provision, opposition members argue that the MDP should only have 64 percent representation in the standing committees.