Police revealed that 10 days has been added to the remand of a 15-year old student, who was involved in the violent attack in Thaajudeen School last Tuesday, while the second boy involved, who is 14 years old, has now been handed over to his parents.
While speaking at a press conference held at the education ministry to discuss the recent violent attacks to school students, Police spokesperson Ahmed Shifan said that the violence in Thaajuddeen School and a gang attack on a student of Dharumavantha School, which took place Wednesday, were not linked in any way.
Police said that investigations are underway for both cases. However, Shifan gave no further details.
The incident in Thaajudeen took place after an initial fight between two students. One the students had fled the school and returned later with another man, and stabbed a boy who had not been involved in the original fight with a pair of scissors. The victim’s injuries were not too serious.
The day after the Thaajudeen incident, a group of five followed a Dharumavantha student who was walking home and stabbed him with a knife. After further examinations, his family informed Mihaaru that he had injuries to his head and two of his fingers were broken. His family added that he is now home after being treated and is doing better. So far no arrests have been made regarding this case.