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Proposals open for islands to host Eid-al-Adha on national level

The Ministry of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage has opened up the opportunity for islands to submit proposals to host the celebration of Eid-al-Adha on a national scale.

Hanaan Hussain
25 April 2024, MVT 16:36
Parade held in celebration of Eid-al-Adha in 2022 -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Hanaan Hussain
25 April 2024, MVT 16:36

The Ministry of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage has opened up the opportunity for islands to submit proposals to host the celebration of Eid-al-Adha on a national level.

The Ministry said in an announcement that the proposals would be evaluated on the sports and activities to be hosted during Eid, the cost incurred by the council for this, and the activities that can be hosted by the island without any cost. The proposal should also include a breakdown of the funds being sought from the Ministry to host the festivities.

The Ministry has decided to support the celebration of Eid-al-Adha in three islands on a national scale this year. The Ministry stated that islands where festivities will take place will be determined after considering all proposals submitted, with the three best proposals being awarded the chance to host Eid celebrations.

Interested parties are requested to email their proposals to the Ministry at [email protected] by 13:00 hrs on May 9.

The Ministry's announcement regarding proposals to celebrate Eid-al-Adha was accompanied by the breakdown of how proposals will be scored in the submission review process. More points will be awarded to proposals that include activities inclusive of elderly persons and events that showcase Maldivian culture.

According to the calendar, this year's Eid-al-Adha will fall on June 17. All government offices will be closed from June 16 to June 22 in observance of Hajj and Eid celebrations.

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