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Police reject accusations made by a TV channel against Deputy Speaker Nazim

Police has today rejected accusations made against Deputy Speaker of Parliament and MP for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Nazim in a report aired on a TV channel.

Mariyath Mohamed
13 October 2024, MVT 19:07
Police headquarters / Shaheed Hussain Adam Building
Mariyath Mohamed
13 October 2024, MVT 19:07

Police has today rejected accusations made against Deputy Speaker of Parliament and MP for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Nazim in a report aired on a TV channel.

The accusations relate to the death of Nazim's stepdaughter through falling from a building.

Although Police do not usually share details of cases concerning minors, Police said that they were issuing this statement due to false allegations being made against the Deputy Speaker in media.

In a press conference held today, Head of Major Crime Department Superintendent of Police Hassan Shifau said that the minor in question had been seeking treatment for mental health issues for many years.

He said that the child had made attempts on their life previously as well. Investigations so far indicate that they had jumped off the building's balcony, Shifau said, basing this finding on statements and other evidence gathered.

He further dismissed allegations of sexual assault made by the TV channel, saying the child's medical reports showed no indication of any such incidents.

Shifau said that the child's parents, as well as stepfather Nazim had been questioned in the case.

Police reiterated that they do not normally share personal information of minors in cases, and had only done so due to the false allegations being raised publicly.

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