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Singapore Airlines signs MoU with MMPRC to promote Maldives

Rae Munavvar
06 May 2019, MVT 17:23
SilkAir, the regional wing of Singapore Airlines, had its inaugural flight to Maldives in 2015. PHOTO: FACEBOOK / SINGAPORE AIRLINES
Rae Munavvar
06 May 2019, MVT 17:23

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) signed an agreement with Singapore Airlines (SIA) on Sunday, to jointly promote Maldives as a travel destination.

The memorandum was signed by MMPRC Managing Director Thoyyib Mohamed and Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Singapore Airlines Campbell Wilson, at Hotel Jen.

Addressing the event, Wilson stated, "We are pleased to be working with MMPRC to boost travel to the Maldives. With nearly 140 destinations in more than 35 countries and territories in the SIA Group network, we are also well-placed to support the development of the Maldives’ tourism sector".

The one-year agreement stipulates that each party invest US$180,000 in cash and US$40,000 to fund activities such as roadshows, joint marketing campaigns and familiarisation trips for media and travel industry representatives.

It is aimed at boosting six particular demographics starting from Singapore, Australia, China, Japan, South Korea as well as from within the United States of America.

“I am very excited that the Maldives and SIA have embarked on a joint marketing venture for the very first time. This is a huge step forward for us in our effort to promote the destination. I have no doubt that our partnership with such a prestigious airline will create incredible synergy and help raise the profile of the destination Maldives", offered Thoyyib.

Since beginning operations in Maldives 37 years ago, SIA and SilkAir have come to operate a total of 16 weekly services to Malé, while including connections to other destinations in the SIA and SilkAir network.