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Verification Process for Vehicle Registration Garage Usage

Transport Ministry has said that it will conduct physical inspections to ensure that garages to which vehicles are being registered to actually have the capacity to hold the registered vehicles.

06 March 2024, MVT 21:10
06 March 2024, MVT 21:10

In response to the growing instances of four-wheelers being registered at garages without the knowledge of the garage owners, the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation has announced increased vigilance on such practices.

As per the motor vehicle registration rules, the ministry's notification stipulates that during registration, garage owners must submit documents, including a no-objection certificate, a copy of the owner's ID card, and proof of the garage's registration.

The Transport Ministry is actively addressing the concern of vehicles being registered in garages without informing the rightful owners.

"Therefore, the process of registration of vehicles larger than two-wheelers will be carried out in accordance with the law and regulations, in addition to verifying the authenticity of the letter of non-objection from the owner of the garage the garage will undergo inspection to ensure adequate parking space for the vehicle," the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry acknowledged a recurring issue where vehicle owners initially presented a garage to the Transport Ministry for vehicle parking, but subsequent problems arose, such as the unavailability of the garage and the submission of unverified letters. Efforts are being made to resolve this persistent problem and ensure a transparent and lawful vehicle registration process.

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