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Maldivian living in Germany passes away

Malika Shahid
18 October 2024, MVT 11:22
Malika Shahid
18 October 2024, MVT 11:22

A Maldivian living in Germany has passed away.

Mihaaru News reports that the deceased has been identified as Adam Naseer, a 40-year-old resident of Noonu atoll Manadhoo.

The Maldivian Embassy in Germany was notified of Adam Naseer's death on Wednesday, five days after his passing. The embassy informed his family of the news the same day.

Adam Naseer had been residing in Germany for the past 10 years, having married a German woman, and is survived by his three children.

The cause of his death has not yet been communicated to the family by the embassy.

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