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High Court appoints Judge Sameer as JSC representative

Ahmed Aiham
03 December 2019, MVT 21:45
High Court Judge Ali Sameer. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
03 December 2019, MVT 21:45

The High Court on Tuesday appointed Judge Ali Sameer as the appellate court's representative to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Sameer was selected from the 11 judges on the High Court bench. He previously presided over the Civil Court as its Chief Judge and served as Interim Chief Judge of the High Court. He was appointed to the High Court on March 2011.

Sameer's membership to the commission came after former JSC High Court member Judge Abdul Rauf Ibrahim handed in his resignation on Sunday, following his nomination to the Supreme Court.

JSC is comprised of the Speaker of Parliament, a parliamentary representative, a presidential representative, a representative member from the public, a lawyer, the head of the Civil Service Commission, the Attorney General, and a judge from a lower court, High Court, and Supreme Court.

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