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Judiciary Committee greenlights dismissal of SC judges

Mariyam Malsa
15 November 2019, MVT 10:22
Chief Justice Dr Ahmed Abdulla Didi (M) and judges Abdulla Areef (L) and Adam Mohamed Abdulla of the Supreme Court. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
15 November 2019, MVT 10:22

The Parliamentary Judiciary Committee, on Thursday, unanimously approved the Judicial Service Commission (JSC)'s decision to dismiss Chief Justice Dr Ahmed Abdulla and Supreme Court Judge Adam Mohamed Abdulla.

The Judiciary Committee expressed approval after confirming that JSC completed due procedures prior to finalising the decision to dismiss the judges. As per the parliament's regulations, the Judiciary Committee is only mandated to ensure whether the judicial watchdog adhered to proper procedures.

On Wednesday, JSC revealed the decision to submit a motion to Parliament for their dismissal and declared that both judges were suspended for 60 days as the commission believes they must be temporarily relieved of their duties due to the nature of the investigation against them.

According to JSC, their investigation revealed that the two judges had committed actions which endanger their discipline.

The parliament is scheduled to take a vote regarding the matter on November 18. As per the constitution, judges can only be dismissed from their positions over a request made by JSC through a Parliament vote.

In the midst of JSC's investigations, Chief Justice claimed that JSC was investigating matters related to him that did not fall under the commission's authority, adding that there was no reason for him to respond to the commission.

While JSC is seeking to dismiss Dr Ahmed Abdulla Didi, who was appointed as Chief Justice in 2018, and Judge Adam Mohamed, the parliament recently voted to sack Supreme Court Judge Abdulla Didi as well.

The Judiciary watchdog is also investigating Supreme Court Judge Abdulla Areef and Judge Abdul Ghanee Mohamed.