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Fenaka rejects claims of overpaying for renting boats

Fenaka Corporation has rejected the claims that the corporation had overpaid to rent a boat, and said that such rumours were being spread to create discord.

Mariyath Mohamed
14 July 2024, MVT 15:01
Managing Director of Fenaka Muaz Mohamed Rasheed
Mariyath Mohamed
14 July 2024, MVT 15:01

Fenaka Corporation has rejected the claims that the corporation had overpaid to rent a boat, and said that such rumours were being spread to create discord.

The corporation released a press release addressing claims circulating on social media that they had overpaid for the use of a boat. In the statement, they said that the documents being circulated are copies of transactions previously made by the company on different dates for various purposes.

They alleged that these rumours are being spread by persons intending to undermine the ongoing efforts by Fenaka's current management to streamline the procurement transactions, and gain the trust of customers and service providers.

"These uncivilized efforts by some to tarnish the good reputation being regained by the company through fabricated words designed to create discord is an extremely irresponsible act which is being committed under the guise of free media and is just another ring in the series of plots to create problems in society," the statement said.

The company said that earlier boats had been rented for separate trips, with MVR 7 million being spent on this per month on average, taking undue advantage from this process. This practice has since been brought an end to, the company assured.

They explained that company trips were now planned so that any trips that can be made together are joined, thereby cutting costs as much as possible.

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