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Economic Ministry offers ICT courses under Upskilling and Training Program

Mohamed Rehan
07 June 2022, MVT 13:15
Signing ceremony between Ministry and local academic institutions -- Photo: Ministry of Economic Development
Mohamed Rehan
07 June 2022, MVT 13:15

Ministry of Economic Development has signed with local academic institutions to facilitate courses on Information Communication Technology (ICT).

The ICT courses are facilitated under the Economic Development's Covid-19 Emergency Income Support Project.

The agreement was signed by Minister of State for Economic Development Neeza Imad on behalf of the state while local institutions; Avid College, Cyryx College, MI College, Maldives National University and Villa College signed on behalf of academic institutions.

The program focus will be put on four major areas of ICT which include;

- Cloud and Cyber Security

- Web Design and Development

- Server and Networking

- Multimedia

The Upskilling and Training Program aims to provide education and knowledge for individuals who were economically affected during the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of loss of employment.

The program focuses on facilitating individuals with relevant technical skills, knowledge and training through the program.

In addition to the now announced ICT courses, the Upskilling and Training program has already facilitated courses on diving and accounting.