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VIA opens new apron, improves service

Lamya Abdulla
04 November 2021, MVT 22:21
MACL welcoming the first flight to the newly opened apron with a water salute on Thursday, November 4, 2021 — Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
04 November 2021, MVT 22:21

Velana International Airport (VIA) opens the extended new apron in the western area of the airport on Thursday evening.

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), the company that operates VIA, welcomed the Maldivian Airlines flight with a water salute. The flight returned to Maldives from India.

CEO and Managing Director of MACL Gordon Andrew Stewart said this new apron will enable faster service from the airport in addition to a smoother customer experience to the passengers. The apron’s location will also make domestic traveller’s experience smooth as well.

Stewart noted that domestic travellers had to wait in the apron in front of the international terminal previously, and then had to be taken back by buses. Passengers also faced delays in collecting their luggage. He noted that these problems would be solved with the new apron.

Managing Director of Island Aviation Mohamed Mihadh, and Chairman of Airline Operator Committee Mahjoob Abdulla also attended this ceremony.

Mihadh said the apron’s timely opening would prove to be useful for airport operations. He noted this would lessen the workload currently carried by the airline operators as well.

With the holiday season approaching, Maldives is expecting a surge in tourists visiting for vacation.

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