Health Protection Agency (HPA), announced on Tuesday, increased the curfew hours in the Greater Male' area.
Starting Wednesday, curfew hours will be from 1600hrs to 0400hrs until 18th of May.
The current curfew in Greater Male' Area prohibits going out between 2100hrs and 0400hrs. This was put in place on May 6.
However, COVID-19 positive cases in Maldives have been increasing at alarming rates, with daily numbers surpassing over 1,000.
HPA announced that there was a backlog of COVID samples that require testing as well.
- Mass prayers in mosques prohibited
- Dine-in service at restaurants, cafe's and other food service providers are prohibited.
- Delivery services available, with police permits, till 0000hrs
- Any shops found violating HPA guidelines will be closed temporarily for 24 hours
Currently the number of confirmed COVID cases in Maldives is at 37,019. The fatality rate has increased rapidly as well. Although only a few days into May, the record for highest fatalities have been broken, with 14 so far. The previous figure was 10 deaths in February this year.