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Parties strengthen campaign activities in Malé and atolls

Lamya Abdulla
08 July 2023, MVT 19:44
Defence Minister Mariya conducting door-to-door walks on Friday, July 7, 2023, as part of MDP's presidential campaign -- Photo: MDP
Lamya Abdulla
08 July 2023, MVT 19:44

Political parties have commenced strengthening their campaign efforts in the capital city of Malé and across various atolls in preparation for the upcoming presidential election scheduled for September.

The campaign teams representing the presidential candidates have initiated visits to various islands and engaged with Maldivian citizens as part of their election campaigns. This includes Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's team who is seeking re-election for a second term and the team representing Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) candidate, former President Abdulla Yameen, who is currently serving an 11 year prison sentence. Additionally the campaign teams of Qasim Ibrahim from Jumhooree Party (JP) and Mohamed Nazim from the Maldives National Party (MNP) have commenced their respective trips to connect with the electorate.

The PPM/PNC coalition has officially launched its campaign, beginning with door-to-door walks last week. They have announced plans to travel to various atolls, starting with Noonu, Raa, Baa, and Lhaviyani atolls next week.

Despite former President Abdulla Yameen's incarceration following his conviction for bribery and money laundering, the PPM party has maintained their stance that Yameen will be their candidate for the upcoming presidential election.

Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) has started door-to-door initiatives on behalf of President Solih on July 7, Friday.

The campaign activities commenced yesterday in Maafannu Central constituency under Defense Minister and Malé Coordinator Mariya Didi's lead. They were accompanied by Members of Parliament from various constituencies in the city, as well as other officials from the ruling MDP party.

The party had started campaigning in islands earlier and have already held rounds to put up campaign posters.

JP's campaign team at prior to flying for their campaign activities -- Photo: JP

Jumhooree Party's spokesperson, Ali Solih, said that their presidential campaign teams have embarked on a nationwide campaign and have started their campaigning efforts. The campaign activities have already begun in Haa Alif, Raa, and Baa atolls, and they have also initiated campaign activities in Laamu atoll and Malé on Friday.

Nazim, the presidential candidate of MNP, commenced his campaign in the northern atolls by visiting Haa Dhaalu atoll Kulhudhuffushi.

MNP's President Mohamed Nazim greeting citizens of Kulhudhufushi on July 7, 2023

The Democrats, a political party that emerged from a split within MDP over internal issues, are actively expanding their campaign activities across the country. While the party has expressed their intention to contest the elections, they have yet to announce their official candidate for the presidential race.

Candidates will be able to apply to contest in the presidential election from July 23 to August 7.